Black Metal, a.k.a. Iron Sword, a.k.a. Blackened Death, a.k.a. El Martillo del Muerte, is a cruel and punishing beer fermented by the sheer force of its awesome will. Best enjoyed while pumping out blast beats, summoning trolls, or enjoying a nice, leisurely reading of the Necronomicon.
Maris Otter base malt, English caramel, brown, and chocolate malts, brown sugar, dark candi syrup. Fermented with English yeast. 10.5% abv.
Black Metal will be available by the glass and in cans to go on Doom Forge Day, February 20th. 60 cases available. 16oz. four-pack cans = $20. Proxies welcome. Shipping & delivery illegal in Texas.
Artwork by Joshua Cockrell. Photo by Jess Attie.